About Samantha

What is the Samantha Maritza Trust?

We are a family run organisation set up in memory of Samantha Maritza.  The trust aims to promote awareness of mental health by running events and supporting projects in touch with individuals who suffer with mental issues.

Who is Samantha Maritza?

Samantha Joan Maritza born 06 April 1989 a full of life daughter, sister and friend. Samantha took her own life in June 2010. After suffering with depression.

Samantha was an amazing talented individual, who even when suffering with depression managed to mentor and perform. She truly expressed herself with her music.

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What are we trying to acheive?

We aim to break down stigma’s associated with mental health, encourage people to talk about mental health issues and to encourage people to seek help. Through our partners, and events we promote the use of music as a mean for people to express themselves and talk to talk about some of their feelings. Music was one way in which Sam truly expressed herself, which is why we are passionate that it’s such a big part of the trust.

What do we do with the money we raise?

As a trust 100% of the money donated is used to support the various projects we work with or to support our causes.

What projects we currently working with?

We currently are working with Up Tempo, please check out this video to find out more